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Summary of Joint Planning Committee 18th August 2005, Jowhar Meeting Agenda 1) Brief by the TFG 2) Finalization of JNA Coordination arrangements and JNA update 3) Presentation on the Joint Thematic Committees proposal and update on Somalia Coordination Secretariat 4) Update on merging of TFG 12 month budget and RAP documents 5) JPC Inputs for the high level CMC meeting 6) Engaging in Fragile States 7) Aob
Opening Remarks Minister Jurile, as Co-chair of the meeting, welcomed the attendees to the JPC meeting in Jowhar. The summary of the 4 August JPC meeting was reviewed. One paragraph of the summary was expanded and agreed upon and the summary was endorsed by the JPC. The Chairs introduced two invited meeting observers – Mr. Lloyd McKay and Mr. David Bassiouni – the Senior Technical Coordinators of the World Bank and UN respectively for the Somali Joint Needs Assessment.
Agenda Item 1 Brief by the TFG Minister Jurile advised the meeting that district and regional level reconciliation was continuing and reports back were positive. The TFG remained in Jowhar pending a security settlement in Mogadishu. Work in Jowhar by the government continued and involved various committees. The National Security, Social Affairs, Settlements, Economic Recovery Committees were working intensively as was the Commission on Constitution and Federal Affairs.
Minister Jurile reported that the Deputy Prime Minister, Hon. Hussein Aideed had recently made tremendous efforts in further national reconciliation and had met with the Speaker of Parliament, various members of Parliament in Mogadishu as well as civil society. The Benadir Governor had also been very active in Mogadishu, meeting and consulting with representatives from the 15 districts of Benadir on how Mogadishu could be stabilized.
Agenda Item 2 Finalization of JNA Coordination arrangements and JNA update The Joint Needs Assessment Concept note has been widely received and endorsed including Somaliland. Currently work is underway to finalize the cluster and sub-cluster experts. It is expected that the JNA will proceed speedily as a joint exercise with significant Somali participation.
The Senior Technical Coordinators explained that the paragraph on coordination arrangements within the Concept Note had been revised in consultation with Italy and a draft tabled at the meeting for review and final endorsement. Adding to the paragraph on coordination arrangements, a document highlighting the role and inter-relationship of the JNA to the JPC and a JNA ‘steering committee’ had also been circulated. After discussion at the JPC, both documents were endorsed and the composition of the steering committee – named the Coordination Support Group (CSG) – was debated, including whether a representative from the NGO consortium should be part of it. Th JPC agreed to the following composition of the CSG:-
Chair – EC Members: TFG, UN, WB, IGAD-IFCNGO Consortium Representative, Sweden, Italy. 2 regional representatives tbd as observers.
Both documents are attached to this summary. UK questioned the involvement of UNPOS in the JNA and it was explained that the SRSG was kept fully informed on a direct basis and also as the co-chair of the CMC.
A time frame for the JNA was also circulated. Italy and the UK felt that the time line was too tight and suggested building in greater flexibility. EC suggested including within the timeline the dates for the CSG meetings and further suggested allowing a greater period of time for the RDP document to be circulated to donors. It was generally agreed that the JNA attempt to balance completing the exercise as quickly as possible whilst ensuring wide Somali participation and whilst ensuing the necessary time to produce the most realistic/accurate document. Italy also stated that as co-hosts of the donor conference that the conference itself needed careful thought, but that they had at this stage flexibility for the timing of the conference. Many meeting attendees requested for broad involvement by Somalis into the JNA. Italy asked for the recruitment process for technical expertise within the JNA to be as participatory as possible and within the framework of the CSG. The meeting agreed that the recruitment of technical expertise for the JNA would be performed as a fully participatory process including consultations with the CSG. It was agreed that the tor’s of the CSG reflect this point. The meeting was advised that further discussions between the JNA team and the TFG would take place in Nairobi. Agenda Item 3 Presentation on the Joint Thematic Committees proposal and update on Somalia Coordination Secretariat A draft of the Joint Thematic Committees tor’s (with the rules of procedure combined) was circulated. It was explained that this document was initially drafted by the TFG and subsequently further developed by the UN, and Italy in Nairobi. The meeting agreed to add one sub-committee ‘Rule of Law’ to the document. The tor’s were endorsed, with the proviso that the document could be further amended/evolved at a subsequent time. The meeting agreed that contributions be made via the secretariat, prior to the next JPC meeting, on suggestions as to who will chair and when these meetings should begin. The Rules of Procedure for the Joint Planning Committee were also circulated and endorsed on the basis that section 3.1 the composition of the TFG within the JPC be amended to fall in line with the revised composition of the TFG to the JPC. The Somalia Coordination Secretariat Project document was reviewed by the TFG since the last JPC meeting. The TFG made amendments to the project document and the revised project document was circulated at this JPC meeting. The main issues that the TFG had on the secretariat included the following:- a) the name – they felt it should be called the Somalia Support Secretariat b) That the secretariat predominately serves the joint structures and that the SACB be phased out. c) That the reporting structure be to both chairs of the CMC and not just the SRSG. d) That the secretariat be present and functional at the highest level in the location where the seat of the TFG, is as well as in Nairobi. The meeting agreed that two weeks would be given for comments/feedback on the secretariat. Minister Jurile took the opportunity to encourage partners of the joint structures to send representatives at the highest level and particularly those who are the decision/policy makers. He also reminded the meeting that the relocation process is applicable not only to the TFG but also on the side of the international community and encouraged meeting participants on the side of the international community to begin looking at relocation to Somalia. Minister Jurile emphasized the need for a functional CMC – particularly as it guides the JPC and stated that the TFG were ready and would welcome a CMC meeting in Jowhar. Elballa Hagona agreed with the Ministers comments in this regard. Agenda Item 4. Update on merging of TFG 12 month budget and RAP documents The narrative of the Rapid Assistance Programme had been updated to place it in a current context and the meeting was asked to endorse the RAP narrative. Time was provided for colleagues to review and comment and, on this basis, the document was broadly accepted as a living document. The update RAP document is attached to this summary. Agenda item 5. JPC Inputs for the high level CMC meeting Minister Jurile explained that the 12-month budget of the TFG would need to be re-circulated with an explanation note that touched on issues such as revenue collection. Minister Jurile requested that the TFG budget with its’ explanation note and the RAP budget be worked on and packaged for review at the next JPC meeting. After the next JPC review, the CMC would be asked to discuss agenda items for a possible high-level CMC meeting as well the timing and composition of such a meeting. Agenda item 6. Engaging in Fragile States Nick Pyle (UK) explained that the World Bank and the UK were working on a case study for fragile states initiatives for Somalia with respect to principles of international engagement. He explained that this initiative is delayed as the consultant has pulled out and that the work would commence mid next month and that a workshop would likely take place in October.
Agenda item 7 AOB The ‘Role of the Joint Planning Committee’ document had yet to be signed. Minister Jurile advised the meeting of the change of membership of the TFG and provided a new list as below. The Co-chairs of the JPC signed off on the document. The World Bank as the other co-chair has yet to sign, however a scanned copy of the document is attached. Ministry of Planning & International Cooperation, Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Ministry of Lands and Settlement, Ministry of Women & Family Affairs, Ministry of Livestock, Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Ministry of Social Welfare and Human Rights, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Treasure, a representative of: the Parliamentary Economic Committee, Chamber of Commerce and a Somali non-governmental organization consortium.
The Minister of Education advised the meeting that an educational workshop would be taking place in Jowhar on 20-22 August with 50 or so participants and would address issues such as mode of cooperation between the ministry and organizations on the ground; the best way the ministry should be formed, organized etc.
Minister Jurile advised the meeting that the government had enormous financial constraints. He explained that engagement with the international community such as attendance at the UN General Assembly would require financial support and appealed for assistance.
Minister Jurile reminded the meeting of the continuing IDP problem in Jowhar and the need for re-housing them so as to free up government housing. He again appealed for support from donors and asked that this message be circulated to a wider audience.
The meeting agreed to hold its next JPC meeting on Tuesday 20th September in Jowhar JPC Decisions · The terms of reference for the Joint Thematic Committee were endorsed by the JPC · The rules of procedure for the Joint planning Committee were endorsed by the JPC · The document titled ‘Role of the Joint Planning Committee’ was agreed to and signed by two of the three JPC co-chairs (UN and TFG) · The document titled JNA tor and relationship between the JPC and CSG was endorsed with some minor changes. · The composition of the CSG was agreed to. · The revised paragraph on Coordination Arrangements of the JNA as found in the Concept Note was endorsed with some minor changes. · The narrative component of the Rapid Assistance Programme was found broadly acceptable, but with allowing time for further comments and feedback
JPC Action Points · The Somalia Coordination Secretariat document (with incorporated revisions by the TFG) would be circulated. Comments/feedback to be received by 1 September · The Rapid Assistance Programme narrative would be circulated. Comments/feedback to be received by 1 September. · The Chairs of the JPC to liaise with the Chairs of the CMC to instigate a CMC meeting in Jowhar. · Feedback on timing and nominations for chairing of the JTC’s to be sent to the Secretariat before September 20th. Documents attached: Joint Thematic Committees Roles and Rules of Procedure Rules of Procedure for the JPC Role of the JPC Rapid Assistance Programme Secretariat Proposal (with TFG revisions) Coordination Arrangements – paragraph within the JNA Concept Note Somali JNA ToR’s and relationship between the JPC and CSG. Revised 4 August JPC Summary BiyoKulule Online Back HOME |